Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Computer Self Efficacy Survey

Dr. Dr. Pierce,
This blog post is especially for you. I do believe I have completed all items for EDUC 6305. I just completed the computer self efficacy survey, the last item on the schedule. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

****NOTE: TPACK assignment was finished and posted on the 14th.

Google Forms

Google Forms = Amazing Tool

It is really hard for me to develop an amazing online quiz considering I have no idea what class I will be teaching in the future, but this is definitely a good tool to be aware of.

If I was a teacher and wanted to get a form out to parents, I would email it to parents with internet access. If parents did not have internet access, I would call them to come in if possible and fill out the google form at the school
HERE is a link to the form

The embedded form:

Here is the spreadsheet; looks like Sam Smith took the quiz and hates division.


IF only we all could look as snazzy as Alex Trubek...

This Jeopardy game is targeted towards kindergarten students. Although, I am specializing in math and will be able to teach 5-9, I will still be able to teach elementary students so it is good practice for me to put together projects geared towards younger students in addition to middle school math. HERE is my jeopardy labs game for kindergartners.

ISTE NETS T Standards:
provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.
Why: Because Jeopardy is a different, but fun and technological form of assessment.

Principle 3:
Learning styles/diversity The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.
WHY: Because Jeopardy is a great way to reach the visual or artistic learner.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I've been working hard and here it is, TPACK complete Over a week before due date- that is surprising for me! HERE YOU GO!!


I was familiar with Photostory as I had done a previous project. It can be very useful in the classroom. It would definitely come in handy for an "at-home" lesson. I really didn't have any difficulties creating my video besides finding pictures and figuring out what to say to fill the 4-5 minute requirement.

Principle 3 would definitely be met in a Photostory lesson: Learning styles/diversity- The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners. A Photostory is a great way to reach the visual learner


2b. was met: develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become
active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.

How more technology-enriched can ya get?:)

and on to My cyberbullying video; don't make fun of my voice - I hate hearing my voice after recording:
Embedded Youtube Video:

Here's a photostory I did in a former instruction tech. class with Dr. P. :

Here is my photostory:

Extra Post - Snipping Tool - I passed the Middle School Math Content Test

I just found out yesterday that I passed the Middle School Math Content Praxis II that I took on June 12th. I'm a little excited so I thought I'd brag a little via blogger. Here's my snip of the score report- Woot Woot!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Prezi is a web-based presentation tool using a map layout and zooming to show contextual relationships which addresses some of the shortcomings of Microsoft PowerPoint.

The map layout is the biggest difference between Prezi and PowerPoint. They are the same in the fact that they are both popular presentation tools on the computer.

I think that Prezi isn't necessarily better, but it is different. Everyone is used to the same slide after slide presentation and Prezi isn't the norm. One advantage of Prezi is that it is eye-catching. One disadvantage is that you can not animate text and graphics like you can in PowerPoint. Overall, both Prezi and PowerPoint can be successful when used properly.

A standard that I would cover when using Prezi in my classroom would be: 2a.
design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity

because students would be incorporating the digital tool, Prezi, for an awesome learning and creativity booster.

Monday, June 28, 2010

MotionPath with Mr. and Mrs. Nanner

I would use this in my classroom as a reward system. For example, when a student gets a quesiton right in class he/she can make Mr. Nanner dance.

Here is the FTP.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Here is the FTP for the labels PowerPoint. It involves steps for facotring equations.

Monday, June 21, 2010


My lovely 20 slide story on bicycle safety; wear your helmets kiddos!

Using Dr. Pierce's advice, I completely ravamped my PowerPoint hoping to reduce the "boring factor"

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

PowerPoint on Digestive System for 4th-5th Grade

EDIT - Here is a more interactive rendition of the digestive system presentation:)!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Jing is very neat; here is a URL link to what I captured an image of. I am always looking up Bloom's Taxonomy so why not Jing it:)

Below is a smaller saved image of the URL:

I work in the student employment office on campus and students always get confused how to view jobs so I made a video to help illustrate how one would go about viewing a student position online:


  1. What file types come out of Jing?

  2. Where might we save these files? Where are the files stored?
    On the computer, on a jump drive etc.

  3. How do you link to a Screencast?
    You click the share button and then moments late you can paste the URL anywhere.

  4. How do you save and retrieve Jing objects from the History area?
    You click on the history button and all images/videos etc.. come up.

  5. How to import Jing objects into our blog posts?
    You can save the image or video then click the “add image” or “add video” button and attach the saved file

  6. What file type is a Jing screencast.

  7. Can we convert the Jing obects including images and videos?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Here is my poorly drawn google drawin...

Here is my poorly drawn google drawing. This is what my computer looks like. It consists of Facebook, my Outlook email, and then something for a class like blogger. That picture is my current facebook picture and not actual old women..haha.

I have used many drawin tools. I've used paint since my family got out first Windows 95 computer. I thought it was so cool that I didn't need paper and crayons/colored pencils to draw. I was a 7 year old really living the high life. All I did on our computer until about age 10 was use paint; I bet that made my parents really thrilled that they bought their kids such a fancy machine so Sarah could get on paint all day.

  1. What ISTE NETS T standard would you consider this activity most closely matches and why?
    promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
    Why, because paint as a kid really allowed me to be creative and inventive.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


  1. What is glog?
    Glog is more than just a blog; it's an interactive poster in which one can incorporate things such a video or audio.
  2. How might you use a glog in your class?
    Instead of having a group create a poster about specific content like "The Country of Germany," I could have them create a glog where they could add their own audio, facts about the country, videos, etc.
  3. What ISTE NETS T does the use of Glogster most likely correspond with in your opinion?
    3b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success
    and innovation; I feel that is corresponds with this ISTE NETS T standard because I can see using this as a group to educate the community.
  4. What is the problem (if any) with this program?
    Students could come across inappropriate glogs.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Picasso Head

Here is my picasso head - DON'T LAUGH!!

EDIT: embedded picasso head:

The VARK Questionairre Result

Here were my results:

Your scores were:
Visual: 10
Aural: 7
Read/Write: 3
Kinesthetic: 8

It is no surprise that visual and kinesthetic were my two highest as I learn by seeing and actually doing!

Snipping tool

I didn't snip anything important, but still very cool and potentially useful.
The snipping tool is very neat. I used to use "print screen" then paste my screen in paint and crop it, but this is much easier. Here was a test using the snipping tool:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Voice Thread

I really liked voice thread. It took me like four takes until I was halfway satisfied with my thread. Definitely couldn't work for the radio! I had never used voice thread until the class, but I can definitely see it being useful. I really loved this and could see myself using voicemail in a similar manner if I teach young elementary students someday.

As far as ISTE standards go, I felt that several could easily be incorporated through Voice Thread. However for the above kindergarten activity link - 2a is probably the best fit:

design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Google Reader

In Google Reader I subscribed to West Virginia Record and WVMetro News Headline News Rss Feed. I chose these two subscriptions because I want to be updated on news taking place in my state since I never have time to watch the news on TV. I found out the Rockefeller and Young Professionals talked about healthcare less than 24 hours ago - interesting stuff! great and convenient.

EDIT: HERE is my shared Reader Blog

Broadband Speed

Broadband Speed

Download Speed=29.34 mbps
Upload Speed=10.14 mbps

Google Docs Resume

I am a HUGE google docs fan. It has saved my ace on multiple occasions. It is great for dual editing to a single document. HERE is my resume via google docs.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Personality Traits after quiz

My results were close to my previuos prognostication. However, I am not an artisan. No Madonna personality for me:(, just Oprah. I think that my personaility type should work fine in a classroom. Teachers typically get labeled as idealist. Maybe I could work on organization more and be more of a rational and not be such a softy because I could get run over by students especially in a middle school math setting if I don't put my foot down.

Personality Traits before taking quiz (getting ahead of things before the weekend)

After reading about the 4 personality temperaments, I thought I was either an idealist or artisan. I tend to be very enthusiastic and authentic which is more an idealist, but I can also be spontaneous and optimistic which is more the artisan. There was a picture of Madonna under artisan and a picture of Oprah under idealist and I'd like to think of my personality as a mixture of Oprah's and Madonna's.

I had never taken a personality test before so I completely self assessed myself to be in between an idealist and an artisan.

EDUC 6305 - Updates including BROWSER WARS

This blog is to update what I have accomplished in EDUC 6305 thus far.

I got back from Costa Rica after doing a week of undergrad research at 2:30 A.M. on Monday and then moved out of my apartment on Monday night/Tuesday. This had nothing to do with the class besides the fact that I can include a URL in a blog post so
HERE and HERE are my two albums from Costa Rica; It's really been on my brain so why not include it in this class.

Class Accomplishments so far:

  • I read the class intro and syllabus.
  • I took the super LONNNGGGG facebook survey (No offense, Dr. P - I was just really tired when I took it and it never ended, but I guess the questions will yield interesting statistics)
  • Read over the TRACK assignment that I will start working on soon and eventually.
  • I took the Computer Self Efficiency survey (that one was reasonable in length.)
  • I already had a gmail account and blog, but I got back in touch with those although I still used my gmail.
  • I took the blog address survey - Once again useful and reasonable in length.
  • and then I did the Browser Wars assignment (see below)

Browser Wars:

I had already had Firefox downloaded on my computer mainly because my computer savvy older brother who works in the IT department for JP Morgan/Chase in Columbus, OH insisted I should back in probably 2006. I really do love Firefox. I was amazed to see the Statistics in how it's popularity has increased even since the time that I first got it.

Browser Wars Outcome Questions:

  1. What is a web browser?
    A web browser is is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.
  2. List the most popular 4 web browsers currently?
    Based on statistics, the 4 most popular web browsers in order are Firefox, Chrome, IE8, and IE7.
  3. What does the term 'browser war' mean and what drives the competition between web browsers? What is the big deal in having the #1 browser?
    Browser War is a metaphorical term that refers to competitions for dominance in usage share in the web browser marketplace. The term is often used to denote two specific rivalries: the competition that saw Microsoft's Internet Explorer replace Netscape's Navigator as the dominant browser during the late 1990s and the erosion of Internet Explorer's market share since 2003 by a collection of emerging browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera.
    The big deal in having the #1 browser in MONEY or as the Costa Ricans say, DINERO: The more people using your internet browser the more Mass Media companies will be willing to pay to advertise.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

EDUC 6305!

This will now be my blog for EDUC 6305. I had an undergraduate class with Dr. Pierce for an undergrad technology class so if anyone in the EDUC 6305 has any questions I will try to be of assistance!